السبت، 23 مارس 2013

Sport weight loss

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Sport weight loss



Best Diet - The Diet Solution Program

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Best Diet - The Diet Solution Program


السبت، 9 مارس 2013

It is beef and it's good for me?

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It is beef and it's good for me?

Forget everything you think you know about beef. It is rich in saturated fats. The best pieces are marble with grease. Whether it's a crazy diet. It increases the risk of certain diseases.

It turns out that most of these issues are triggered by an abnormal pH in the first stomach of a cow. The fermentation chamber that initiates what will ultimately be the critical balance of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that are essential to the human diet, the stomach must first be healthy animals to produce healthy meat.

Forage grazing animals have a healthy, functioning pH of 7, which allows an abundance of essential fermentation bacteria that create high levels of CLA, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, branched chain, vitamins and digestive enzymes. But even a small amount of grain can throw everything off just 30 days on a grain diet can offset 200 days of grazing chemistry.

Unfortunately, when an animal lives in a regime of starch grains heavier than the healthy pH 7 suddenly collapsed to a highly acidic pH 4. With this increase in acidity is another kind of fermentation bacteria that prevents the production of healthy fats such as omega-3 and CLA and increases the level of omega-6.

Another disturbing side effect? Animals need daily doses of antibiotics low quality food to allow their livers to cope with abnormal acidity.

And as if all this were not enough, this management system less-than-perfect requires that animals fed grain to give growth hormones to fatten faster in the race to harvest. But all this new weight does not come in the form of health, lean muscle mass. With less exercise than their high pastures, forages fed counterparts, animals develop more grain, marble muscle mass which is the mark of a high-carbohydrate, low in fiber.

It is therefore not surprising that most beef is not good for you: the closer ratios of omega-6 and omega-3 20 to1, CLA and vitamin levels are minimal, and is full of antibiotics and hormones. No wonder we have all been told for years to eat chicken and fish to offset our consumption of beef.

With a natural diet of protein, starch lush forages low combined with daily exercise and drinking water, our pasture-raised, grass-fed cattle are among the healthiest animals around. While it may take a little longer to develop, we prohibit the use of all hormones. And as our animals have a pH of 7 healthy, there is no need for antibiotics. Our cattle are hearty and content on the best growing environment.

Better yet, they spend the wealth of nutrients they consume in their daily diet for you. Feeder cattle is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fats in salmon, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a proven cancer fighter, as well as vitamins A and E, branched chain amino acids digestive enzymes and essential nutrients that are known for their antioxidant properties.

When it comes to nutrition, grass-fed beef really is a completely different animal.


Is a fat cheese or a protein and what are the benefits?

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Is a fat cheese or a protein and what are the benefits?

The cheese contains both fat and protein as well as many other beneficial components. However, the most common advice when it comes to cheese is that you should only eat cheeses that are low in fat or fat free. Unfortunately, doing so leaves you missing a lot of good food! If you do not like artificial, processed foods, American cheese, and you feel certain that the cheese must actually be good for the health benefits, read on to be validated!

Many Americans are under the false assumption that eating cheese fosters unhealthy blood cholesterol, but a recent study in Denmark, nothing could be further from the truth. Danish researchers found that subjects who consumed ten ounces of full-fat cheese daily measured no change in low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is the cholesterol that is usually called "bad." In addition, people who consume moderate amounts of full-fat cheese tend to be thinner with linoleic acid, which helps boost metabolism.

According to Alan Aragon, Westlake Village CA nutritionist, full fat cheese is chock full of health and nutritional benefits. Mr. Aragon said that the full-fat cheese offers an excellent combination of healthy fat and proteins that do wonders to help you feel satisfied and reduce hunger between meals and snacks provided. He warns that high-fat cheese should be eaten in carefully measured quantities binging and should be avoided. Of course, this is true for most foods!

In addition to healthy fats and proteins, cheese also provides a good dose of calcium to build strong bones and teeth and help prevent osteoporosis. The cheese is also rich in biotin and zinc which are useful in the growth, repair, strengthening and maintenance of the skin, hair and nails.

Researchers and managers recommend adding healthy, high-fat cheese nutrition conscious dishes flavor perk and add valuable protein content. They noted that the addition of texture and taste sensations provided by health, all natural cheeses promotes a healthy appetite for good food. This is a good thing! After all, eating is one of the elements necessary to achieve and maintain good health.

Thank you

Top 9 Reasons for a healthy life

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Top 9 Reasons for a healthy life

1.   It complements your meal plan
Need more flexibility that allows your meal plan? Use your allowance of calories and "spend" as you wish. Write down everything in your food diary but do not exceed it.

2.   No forbidden foods!
Forget what you want can not be - the food diary lets you choose the foods you like. Just stay inside the target daily calories and you'll be on track to lose weight.

3.   This is an easy way to lose weight
Simply record what you eat and drink in your food diary. You have full control over your food choices. Stay within your calorie goal and you're on the right track to lose weight.

4.   Learn how to eat for life
A food diary you rehabilitates. It shows the number of calories your body needs and how the foods you choose to use this site. Knowing this is the key to keeping the weight off.

5.   Count your 5-a-day
Eat more fruits and vegetables is so important for a healthy diet. Your food diary plus the number of 5-a-day portions you eat to show how you are doing.

6.   Graphs and reports to track your progress
Check your diet to improve with time. Review of calories  fat intake and alcohol intake and exercise. A positive trend line is a great motivator!

7.   Increase your chances of success
Studies have shown that people who kept a food diary lost twice as much weight compared to those who did not. The mere fact of registration is extremely powerful!

8.   Eat smarter not least
The value of your calories and spend wisely (as you would money!) The food diary is a tool for food Swap save you calories. Small savings add up quickly!

9.   See where you were going wrong
Portion size is a very common reason for weight gain. A food diary makes you aware of what is a reasonable amount for different types of food. Learning essential for weight loss!

Thank you


5 Benefits Of Grass Fed butter healthy

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5 Benefits Of Grass Fed butter healthy

Most of us have been led to believe that artificial margarine products are better for us than 100% natural, grass-fed butter. The truth is that many margarines contain undesirable ingredients such as emulsifiers, sterol, and hexane. Grass Fed Butter is actually much better for your body than margarine. Here are some of the amazing health benefits found in grass-fed butter.

Butter actually brings several vitamins that are essential to our health. Vitamins A, D, E, K, and are found in butter in form, easily absorbed natural. Vitamin D in raw butter helps our body absorb calcium. Butter can also protect against tooth decay.

Essential fatty acids known to prevent many gastrointestinal problems are present in butter. They are known as glycospingolipids, which are of particular importance in young children and the elderly people.It is best for children to consume whole milk products, especially when they are at an age when the brain and the system nervous are still in the development process.

Selenium is an essential mineral found in butter and iodine which is beneficial to thyroid function.

It has been shown that people who use butter to margarine can reduce their risk of developing heart disease by 50%. Saturated fats in butter have also potent anti-cancer and anti-tumor.

Butter has antioxidant properties that can protect against free radicals. These antioxidants also protect the arteries of decay. Conjulated linoleic acid is also found in butter. CLA helps build muscle, strengthens the immune system and is a potent anticancer agent. Butter has anti-stiffness factor that helps protect joints calcify, prevents hardening of arteries, and even the formation of cataracts.

Since about the 1970`s, the public was preached about the dangers of saturated fats are. In fact, many Americans are now eating less saturated fat, we have an increased occurrence of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Raw, organic butter is much healthier than any treaty, chemical concoction created by man. Butter is a natural and healthy when used in moderation.